To Book a Bravo748 Speaker: Call (606) 875-5808
To Book a Bravo748 Speaker: Call (606) 875-5808
Bobby Henline is a 4-tour Iraqi War Veteran, Retired Staff Sergeant, and Purple Heart Warrior.
A veteran of Desert Storm by age 19, serving with 1st Cavalry Division, Henline was inspired to re-enlist in the Army after the attacks on America on September 11, 2001. He deployed to Iraq three more times, twice with the 82nd Airborne Division and once with the 3rd Armored Calvary regiment. He spent 14 years in the Army.
While on his fourth tour in Iraq, three weeks after his arrival, an IED blast blew up his Humvee – April 7, 2007 is a day he will never forget.
Of the five men in the vehicle, Bobby was the only survivor.
As Henline stumbled out of the wreck, a human torch, he was extinguished by the soldier he had replaced in the Humvee. With burns covering 40% of his body, he was immediately put into a medically induced coma and flown back to the States with a slim-to-zero chance of surviving.
During his initial six-month hospital stay, Bobby remained upbeat, positive, and relied on humor to get him through each day. Putting nurses in headlocks, trying to keep other wounded soldiers’ spirits up by telling them jokes, his humor caught the attention of his occupational therapist. She challenged him to go to an open mic night and try his hand at comedy.
Henline is one of those rare individuals you meet in life that at once can make you laugh till your sides hurt and at the same time remind you to be the best person you can be.
Today, Henline continues his quest to make people laugh in a variety of venues. The open mic night provided him an opportunity to perform professionally as “The Well Done Comedian” at Brad Garrett’s Comedy Club (Las Vegas, NV), Laugh Factory (Chicago, IL), and Hollywood Improv (Los Angeles, CA) to name a few.
Henline presents at various military and military-related organizations to inspire soldiers, veterans, and their families, spreading his message of life, love, and joy. He visits high schools across the country; speaks at mental health and other healthcare organizations, military and veteran associations, as well as a host of other venues, sharing his story of resilience, hope, and healing.
Booking Opportunities:
Bravo748-Bobby Henline-Keynote-Bio 2 21 2025 (pdf)
DownloadBravo748 Speaker and Comedian Bobby Henline spoke to the EHOVE Drug Free Program students at the EHOVE Career Center in Milan, OH. Henline is known as The Well Done Comedian and his focus was suicide awareness and prevention, with a focus on forging forward through life with hope.
Footage courtesy of BCSNE and Buckeye Broadband
Healing Bobby - Red Border Films | Time
Bobby Henline - Brad Garrett's Comedy Club
FORSCOM Frontline Podcast with Ashley interviews Bobby Henline at Ft. Bragg. He talks about life, what forging forward means, the foundation, and how to build your toolbox to deal with PTSD, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WPDE) — Bobby Henline never truly saw a life serving in the military. Like so many, he served for three years and took the chance at free secondary school education.
It was his uncle who motivated him to join the U.S. Army at 17 to fight in Desert Storm. After that, he returned home to pick up where he left off and started a family.
“I got married, three kids, ten years later 9/11 happens," Henline said. "And I’m 30 years old now, I’ve been out ten years, but I knew I couldn’t let something like that happen to my country and not do anything about it.”
I think it's safe to say Bobby Henline is the bravest person I know, both in life and on the stage. I've had the opportunity to see him perform many times and he is downright hysterical. His fearlessness as a person and as a comic is so incredibly admirable. I consider it a true honor to work with Bobby as a fellow comedian, and am proud and grateful to call him my friend.
Producer, Writer
Bobby Henline is one of the bravest people I know, and one of the funniest comics I know. His comedy transcends any initial impression you might have of him, as he takes you on a laugh out loud journey which is poignant, honest, raw and just plain silly fun. He's a charismatic guy whose mission is to spread joy, and he does that with ease. Bobby is definitely one 'hot comic' worth watching.
Bobby, spoke passionately about his life’s journey. Then, he shared his incredible story of healing and recovery. Although the concepts were hard to deliver, Bobby brought much laughter and fun to the group, drawing and engaging them. The impact of his presentation was so powerful and was very well received. We would highly recommend Bobby as one of the most inspiring motivational speakers we have heard. His story is real, encouraging, funny and full of hope.
US Probation, District of AZ
Bobby spoke at our District Summit this year, and was amazing! His message really hit home for some of us who feel like we might be having a bad day. Not only did he remind us how thankful we should be for each day we have, but he also reminded us to laugh and keep a light attitude as we deal with stressful situations in a sometimes not-so-nice world. He also took time to speak to attendees privately and answer any questions. His presence and message amused us while leaving us more thankful and humbled than when we woke up that morning. His presentation was one of the best I've had the pleasure of seeing over the years.
Episode 12 Season 8
Bobby plays Pyro Paulie, "the best firebug on the South Side" according to Frank Gallagher (William H. Macy)
"Not A Day Goes By"
Written by Bobby Henline
Sung by Isaac Lord
All purchases benefit Forging Forward, the non-profit foundation Bobby created.
"Man's Best Friend" on Amazon Prime
An engaging tale that shows the parallels between the treatment of wounded military veterans and 'last chance' shelter dogs.
Bobby is Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt Harold Reeves.
"Sophie and the Rising Sun"
Set in the autumn of 1941 in Salty Creek, a fishing village in South Carolina, the film tells the dramatic story of interracial lovers swept up in the tides of history.
Bobby is wounded soldier
John Jeffers.
"Surviving Home"
They survived war, yet over the years, U.S. military veterans from four generations must find their own unique bridge of connection in order to survive and thrive back home.
Filmed over 8 years, Bobby is one of five military combat veterans followed.
"Comedy Warriors:
Healing Through Humor"
Bobby is one of five severely wounded Iraq/Afghanistan veterans given the opportunity to explore their experiences through the healing power of humor. This film follows their journey as they work with professional comedy writers, and
A-List comedians: Zach Galifianakis, Lewis Black, Bob Saget, and B.J. Novak.
Vice President
911 Tower Challenge Foundation
Bobby Henline is the real deal. I was fortunate to witness him interacting in three distinct settings; as an entertainer, corporate speaker and in small group settings with fellow Veterans. He carries a message of hope and inspiration wherever he goes. His compassion for others was exemplified by the extent to which he was willing to personally interact with those in the audience who had experienced trauma in their own lives.
Executive Director
National Institute of Oilseed Products
It was a pleasure to meet and to get to know Bobby Henline. He “jumped right in” at our convention and became “one of us.” He interacted and connected with my attendees unlike any other speaker we’ve had. Bobby’s positive attitude and fun personality comes through immediately and is contagious. My attendees and I feel like we have a new friend. It’s easy to be proud and grateful when you meet Bobby and hear his story.
Bobby Henline was the speaker for the Nebraska Purple Heart Flight pre-flight dinner on Thursday May 23 in Omaha. It was the third time we have hosted Bobby and he is outstanding. A powerful presentation, serious and hilarious.
He also went on the flight and spent the day with our veterans and Gold Star family members. We are his biggest fans and recommend him without hesitation.
Darrigo Lodge, Order of the Sons of Italy #2868
Bobby Henline is the face of comedy, he has what it takes to let the audience laugh, and enjoy his repartee... Funny, bright and full of fun... Seeing Bobby's comedy act is worth the money and'll get many belly laughs from his shtick.
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